Fair and Rodeo

Fair and Rodeo Parade
DIRECTOR: William Baker
CHAIRPERSON: Sabrina Baker • sdb101004@gmail.com or 936-828-6043
2024 Parade Theme:
Rodeo Nights and Neon Lights
Parade Schedule:
Saturday, September 21, 2024
7:30 - 8:30 AM: Registration
9:00 AM: Judging Starts
10:00 AM: Parade Starts
Parade Rules:
Participants must register with the parade chairpersons on September 21, 2024 the day of the parade, at the registration table. Please call one of the numbers listed above if you have any questions.
Entries must check-in at the Old Coldspring High School grounds between 7:30 am – 8:30 am to be in the parade. If there is a question concerning the category you have been placed in, it must be brought to the attention of the parade chairpersons before the parade begins.
Entry Fee $10.00 per entry excluding School and 4H Groups.
Parade Categories will be:
Antique cars, trucks, and tractors
Commercial Floats (will include churches non-youth)
Youth Groups (4H, FFA, Sports Groups, Church Youth, etc…)
Fire Trucks
All entry information will be written on a pre-printed form that will be shared with the announcer.
Floats can be decorated prior to arrival. Judging of the floats will be before parade begins. All floats must be lined up in the locations with all persons that will be riding on the floats by 9:00 am. Awards will be given to the first place winners at the time of judging.
5. The Varsity Cheer Off will be first followed by the “Battle of the Bands”. Band Directors need to check-in and have bands ready to go in the parade before it starts.
6. The parade begins at 10:00 am. There will be NO candy, etc. thrown from any float due to City Ordinance.
7. All vehicle entries must have an identifying sign on the right front end of vehicle.